
Please take the 2024 wildfire survey! Click here to start!

Our job leads to to being on the job

Our non-profit organization works closely with multiple fire departments throughout Southern California, and specifically within Riverside County. If you’re interested in a career in the fire service, spending a year or two with our team might improve your chances of getting hired.

Why Join Our Team?

You’ll end up with experience in fire prevention, community risk reduction, as well as delivering fire and life safety education. Our members are fully engaged with the community, interact (and ride along) with fire companies, and add to their resumés with real world experience.

Work with us!

Check out current contractor opportunities

If you’re interested in helping to make Riverside County a more resilient city, please visit INDEED.COM to search for job openings for our organization. 

Looking to volunteer?

We have volunteer opportunities too

If you’re interested in volunteering, we have a number of opportunities for people eager to join our team as a volunteer. 

Need to register? Start here!

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