
Meet the Team

Our efforts in Riverside County are designed to not only assist homeowners with wildfire resilience, but to convey our commitment to local awareness and experience. Our Riverside Wildfire Alliance team is exactly that – local and experienced.

Meet our team:

William Whitney – Bill is a Director for The Safe Community Project, and is a resident of Riverside County. He is a qualified CERT instructor, has more than 23 years of fire experience, and has been a Director in our organization since 2009.

Chris Nevil – Chris is a Captain in our organization and is responsible for our overall field operations. He is also our organization’s public information officer (PIO). The Wildfire Alliance team will report to Chris on their progress, and he will guide them in areas of community engagement and overall program efforts. Chris has been a member of our organization for more than a decade.

Enid Arana – Enid is the Wildfire Coordinator for Riverside County. She is an EMT, and has been with the organization since early 2021. She has strong experience in home inspections, home fire safety, as well as all of the expertise a medical first responder offers. Enid lives in the City of Riverside.

Joe Fanaselle – Joe is our wildfire subject matter expert and media guru. Joe was a volunteer firefighter and then dispatcher in Riverside County, and has been a wildfire photographer for more than a decade. He has been on our advisory board for three years, and is a history book of information related to wildfires. You’ll see his photos in publications, on the walls of fire stations, and even throughout this website. Joe lives in Murrieta in Riverside County.

Victoria Garcia – Victoria has been with our organization since 2020, and is our researcher and program analyst. She is well versed in wildfire programming, as well as “map your neighborhood” initiatives. Victoria will be supporting the program with insight into trends and evolution related to the overall Riverside Wildfire Alliance.

David Barrett – David is the Executive Officer and Commander for the organization. He oversees the vision and policy of each Safe Community Division. He has extensive training in foreground operations, incident command, and wildfire resilience and has been actively engaged in fire prevention for 23 years. David is a co-founder of The Safe Community Project.

Oversight – MySafe:Riverside is overseen by a board of directors and an advisory council. Each group is made up of highly experienced senior fire agency leaders, including Riverside County fire agency retired Fire Chiefs. 

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